đź‘‚ Listen Servers

This is where you host a game that you are also playing in. You can do this from the main menu by starting or loading a game and making sure the Multiplayer setting is on.

🤖 Dedicated Servers

The dedicated server app ID is 2131400. Check https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/SteamCMD for instructions on installation.

Be sure to open UDP ports 27015 and 7777.

If you want, use -QueryPort=(port) and -Port=(port) to change 27015 and 7777 respectively.

Use -multihome=(IP address) to specify which address to bind to. This is usually not necessary.

Add -log or you will not see all the console output.

Use the config from below.

⚙️ Config

In Vein/Saved/Config/[Windows/Linux]Server, edit or create Game.ini. If that folder doesn’t exist, create it.

In it, add or modify these lines if they don’t exist. Each line is optional so if you don’t want to change a setting from the default, don’t add the line.


ServerName=Vein Server



MaxPlayers: self-explanatory

bPublic: change this to False if you don’t want your game to be listed in the server browser

ServerName: The server’s name in the browser.

BindAddr: sets what IP address the server listens on. Generally, this doesn’t need to be set or changed.